Jack Dunn

Jack Dunn
Male Grooming Therapist

Male Grooming Studio

Male Grooming Studio
Professional Welcoming and Relaxing

Sunday, 31 October 2010

The Male Guide to Manscaping

The Male Guide to Manscaping..

Manscaping has become the more fashionable term for male hair removal, and includes; shaving, waxing, hair removal creams, and clippering or trimming of the male body hair, and more frequently male intimate hair removal... so if it’s mowing your lawn, or pruning the bush choose the best method that suits your requirements...

For many years it was body builders, male models and sportsmen who carried our regular hair removal. However, the trend and fashion has changed and all types of men are now having intimate hair removal treatments to satisfy their self-image for that extra ‘optical inch’ and a smoother clean look.

With salons and therapists all offering male body waxing treatments, this is probably the most popular choice for hair removal.

But it’s worth looking at all your options and weighing up the pros and cons...

Shaving –

Probably still the most popular choice for most guys. Its quick, convenient, easy to carry out, and the most inexpensive method.

Invest in some good quality disposable razor blades, some shaving gel or cream (that best suits your skin type) and off you go... remembering to throw away the razor and use a new blade each time

Drawbacks – expect some prickly stubble within a few days. Some guys can be prone to ingrown hairs, and shave carefully as you could cut or tear the skin especially around the scrotum.

Hair Removal Creams –

These are now available in creams gels and mousse and designed for a quick and easy hair removal method. The chemical action dissolves the hair and a few minutes later the hair can be washed away.

These products are widely available, fairly inexpensive and easy to use with instant results (always follow the manufactures guidance and it’s advisable to carry out a test patch).

Drawbacks – Fairly unpleasant odour, guys with sensitive skin need to be cautious especially in intimate areas, and the chemical ingredient base may cause irritation on the skin.

Clippering/ Trimming –

The easiest hair maintenance option. But remember it’s a reduction of the length of the hair rather than a hair removal method. Often more popular for guys with hairy chests or to blend the hair in areas where hair has been removed either above or below.

Use good quality clippers with a guard to ensure consistency with the hair length.

Male Waxing –

Whatever your reason the benefits of waxing rather than other hair removal methods is by far much greater; hair re-growth is slower and finer, the skin is smoother, softer with better muscle definition, and generally waxing will offer a maintenance free period for about 6 weeks. Waxing prices vary but some therapists offer flexible prices so guys with less body hair will pay less. Hair is removed at the root so regrowth takes longer and over time the hair is sparser and much finer. Client consultation usually requires a form to be completed and any issues that may require caution then the correct type of wax, or advice can be applied.

Drawbacks –

There can be ingrown hairs and a risk of skin reaction if the area is not maintained and aftercare guidelines followed. Some areas of the body can be slightly uncomfortable during the waxing treatment.

So with the options available it easy to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages and decide on the best method that suits you. Join the revolution and follow the Manscaping trend...